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what we do

coffee shop/cafÉ
Cup of Joy is a coffee shop/café that serves a variety of hot and cold drinks, baked goods, and soups/sandwiches. The coffee shop serves as our primary means of interfacing with our Portland neighbors.

feeding our neighbors
Our neighbors enjoy complimentary, delicious meals on Sundays and special occasions. Cup of Joy also provides a place to purchase meals locally throughout the week.

women's services
Our goal is to provide basic needs, critical recovery resources, and practical paths to a sustainable future to all women who are seeking help and hope.

men's services
We seek to help rebuild the lives of men who have been torn apart by the effects of drug and alcohol addiction. We serve each man as he is restored to the man God created him to be.

recovery housing
The Haven Ministries has a history of providing housing for those in recovery and is pursuing funding to construct a new recovery house.

social enterprises
Women in our program work at our coffee shop and café. Our goal is to provide excellent work training so that these women become productive members of society.

worship gatherings
The Haven Church is a place for the broken, the weary, and the sinner to find hope and redemption in Christ.

our impact
Click the button below to read more about the impact that The Haven Ministries is making on the west side of Louisville in the historic Portland neighborhood.